Have you ever felt like you were going through something so horrible? That no one in the world could possibly understand what you are going through. Funny how we tend to only see things from a selfish perspective, I mean I did not have a great monday and I could totally be complaining about how bad it was and how I am suffering. Yet my pain is no where near as awful as that of those being murdered but the police in Egypt at them moment. Why is it that Americans always seem to be so selfish about these things. It's not until something like what happened in Arizona happens that we feel for other people... And we to easily prosecute people for the quick judgments that the media makes at the moment, we are like moths drawn to the flame or sheep that just follow the flock. Everything is dumbed down for us here in the states... sad part is some of us are actually so stupid or ignorant that we believe every single word...

It is time that we break away from this countries hypocrisy, stop believing the media's word, do all the research yourself and look at better sites... It's time for a revolution, one that will bring back all of our rights!!! Stop letting the machine make us into some of their inhumane monsters who are too dumb to think on their own!!!
My Lesson: the simple things in life are the most complicated ones, why run away from the things you can change? Never give up your right to raise your voice and tell them they are wrong.
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