From what I have seen lately "love" is basically just another word for "like," I like you is some how the same as I love you... Hmmm that sounds so odd. How do you know that you are in love with someone after barely knowing them for three days, now don't get me wrong I strongly advocate love at first sight, but that is probably a different blog. No, the people I am talking about definitely have some problems, emotionally and mentally (Or at least I like to think so).
There is so much pretending in these stupidass (excuse the language I am just so heated about this) relationships. You are not being real with the other person and you know it!
It makes me want to beat both people up, please shut up with your whole puppy love and the hehehe's and hahaha's, I am tried of reading on facebook, how much you love him too and how she makes your life complete! Because within the next 48 hours I will be reading how they did you wrong and how you will never be able to move on because they were your everything!
This is my opinion and you don't even have to take what I say seriously. But at the end of the day, I am not stuck at a place that I don't want to be at.
My lesson: If you can so easily go through a dramatic break up one day and the next day act like there was no dramatic feud between you two the day before, some one is faking and two people are wasting their time. oh and everything you have is probably FAKE!
Ha i always say the same thing!! Good shit!