Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just some of my thoughts...

 Since my introduction into what is the “Death penalty” I have no come to a realization, whenever there is an anti-death penalty event, the same people are showing up… where is the talk, where is the need to make this so much bigger. This is a big issue, bigger than any of us, yet they put this speaking event in a small room.  We need to have our voices heard. It is not just about going to the capital with a group of people, it is about getting the masses involved as well. What good is a revolution if there are only going to be 100 of us involved? I feel that I have now made it my obligation to get more people involved in this activist work. We all need to see how unjust this type of punishment is, there are different means of punishment and capital punishment should no longer be allowed… the state makes us all into murders and it doesn’t seem to phase any tax payers. What I am about to say will be selfish but if you tax payers would make the state abolish the Death Penalty then I would have more money to go to school and  would other kids just like me would be able to have college paid for and not pay out of pocket…
It is time for people who believe in what I believe to make this into a bigger issue… If you believe in what I believe then you want people to hear how dehumanizing capital punishment is…  last in for most for those of you think this is a crime deterrent issue, I have to but only disagree with you and state that this is a human rights issue..

Monday, April 4, 2011

While I have am new to this whole activist thing. It does not take one long to see how unconstitutional the state of Texas can be. As soon as you start looking in to things and begin to actually paying attention to what it is that your legislatures are doing then will you actually wake up. I know I did this spring break, there is something called ghost voting, now I just don't want you to take my word for it, everyone who reads this should see and really exactly what this is... this is the abstract explanation: when the house or senate is voting not every Legislature has to be there apparently (wait, what!? Yeah you read right, when they are voting on important things, the people you choose to represent you don't have to be there, this could be because they have other meetings they have to go to, which to me is complete trash) so when everyone is voting they run around the entire floor and vote for there "friends" how "couldn't" make it. Watching this first hand made me feel like I left my Country and was in some foreign places that was not fair at all. This was just one of the many experiences that I have had since spring break, I am currently writing a longer blog about my spring break experience which I will finally post soon...

Moving on, I posted a question on Facebook on March 25, which asked peoples opinion on the Death Penalty. To my surprise most of people were either against it or thought that it depended on the crime. But before I go any further here are the numbers for each possible answer.

Strongly for: 19
for it: 11
indifferent: 5
against it: 5
strongly against it: 29
depends on crime: 20
(30- for it and 34-against it)

The numbers are close as far as in people being for or against.

the people who chose to be against surprised me. I never thought that these people I knew would be so for something that dehumanize some one. Now I am in no way trying to pick at or call these people monsters... I feel that everyone is entitled to their opinion. However I know that most of these people hardly know anything of what the TCJS is or consists of (I am not say that I know a lot, I am learning everyday, however I have been opened to this world of injustice), I am speaking for Texas here, the people of this state need to wake up and smell the oder of flesh here.