Monday, January 31, 2011

the simple things...

Have you ever felt like you were going through something so horrible? That no one in the world could possibly understand what you are going through. Funny how we tend to only see things from a selfish perspective, I mean I did not have a great monday and I could totally be complaining about how bad it was and how I am suffering. Yet my pain is no where near as awful as that of those being murdered but the police in Egypt at them moment. Why is it that Americans always seem to be so selfish about these things. It's not until something like what happened in Arizona happens that we feel for other people... And we to easily prosecute people for the quick judgments that the media makes at the moment, we are like moths drawn to the flame or sheep that just follow the flock. Everything is dumbed down for us here in the states... sad part is some of us are actually so stupid or ignorant that we believe every single word...
It is time that we break away from this countries hypocrisy, stop believing the media's word, do all the research yourself and look at better sites...   It's time for a revolution, one that will bring back all of our rights!!! Stop letting the machine make us into some of their inhumane monsters who are too dumb to think on their own!!!

My Lesson: the simple things in life are the most complicated ones, why run away from the things you can change? Never give up your right to raise your voice and tell them they are wrong. 


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Riddle me this...

Isn't weird how things in your life changes so fast?

One moment you are with the people you love the most and the next you are with someone completely different, a group of people you never thought were like you. And it is hard to except the fact that things are changing and that you might loose all of your friends... but I guess that is life, for you. Apparently there is a saying that goes something like "friends come and go..." this may be true, but I personally hate the saying.
Seriously!? then why should I even make the effort to be some ones friend??? blahblahblah... I know, people will say, well if they are those people who are meant to be there constantly in your life then they will not leave... hmmm so am I just supposed to waste  my time with everyone? (guess that sounds selfish)

But I guess thats the whole point of becoming friends with some one, to see if this is a person you can actually use in your life. Someone who is willing to help you out whenever you are going to a struggle.

My lesson:
Have a not so good friendship going on? Get it fixed or at least try to fix it. That doesn't work? Then I guess it is time both of you moved on and get over the fact that you can't have this person as a friend. Hard but in the long run, you wont have stupid drama between friends.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Days of our lives..

People have lots of thoughts how what should be done to someone who is losing the will...
It's like you, yourself have lost the right to what you want, what you wish to happen to you.
Loved ones being selfish... it is a cruel and evil  way to deal with things, you are in pain yet they dont want to lose you. However when there is that family member that respects your wishes, they pounce on them with no mercy and blame them for the many of horrible things that are happening... "this is why he is like this, because you dont care about him!!!" which in reality is not true, because you if you truly loved and cared for the person, you would not let them suffer though whatever pain it is that they are going through...
Of course this is easier said than done, letting go of someone you have lived with all your life or were extremely close to is the most difficult thing to ever do..
But after a great life lived and a time of pain with no healing, one must ask themselves what is more important: having this person in my life still (physically present)  or having them take their well needed rest and be in peace finally.

The most important thing is to understand that that this should not be a time of sorrow, but a time to rejoice because they are not longer feeling pain, that are finally at peace and whatever their beliefs are or yours are, they are probably in a better place, away from all the pain that man is inflecting upon himself at this current time in the world...

My lesson:
There is no lesson for this one...
be happy to have a had some great people in your life though, and enjoy every moment you send with those who you love the most!
life has it's struggles but it is up to us to stay positive about everything that is thrown at our face...


Thursday, January 27, 2011

our struggles...

We as people (emotional beings) live in a world full of hate for each other. There are many of us who try to live in a great, nice, cotton candy, FAKE! world. But who are you trying to kid? It is as they say "a dog eat dog world." One must be real with ones self. We must stop try to make things work out that we know will never work out. Why do we find it hard to accept that being with someone, having a friend, or working with people who are ignorant,  who clearly spites you and puts you down constantly will never change...

Well let me tell you why.
or at least my opinion.
People are people and they are who they are because our society is a needy one.
And what want we want is is to have someone to constantly hold our hand through life.
We want the security of never being alone...

This happens after one has lost something dear to them.
And this is just a rant by the way so dont try to understand or make of sense of this because it is an abstract thought (that is i am think like 1,000 and once... so yeah. i will explain one day i hope).
Anyway back to what I was saying.
...This happens after one has lost something dear to them, a death, a first love, failing at something, working hard to loose everything you worked hard for.
Lets not dwell on what is bring you down everyday deep down inside, living everyday and only thinking of the negative that was in your life.
Too many positive things are slapping you in the face everyday, and if you are to scared to to take a chance on them like I was last semester, you will never start feeling happen again.
Take it from someone who has had a life full of up's and down's, being a negative asshole.. you make people look at you funny, not that I was a negative asshole (lol) I just like being mean sometimes, but thats a different Blog...
If it is something I have learned over the Summer and the Fall semester, it's that growing up is hard but it does not come without it's enlightenment. And even if it means that your dad is yelling at you because you brought him the wrong screwdriver at least you learned something right and at least you guys are getting closer. Now when I help out my dad we have a great time!

Point of this Blog:
in order to grow, one must go through hardship and accept that life is as hard as one makes it.

my lesson:
take every opportunity that is throw at you or path to the right will close and you will never know if you missed the chance that would have changed your whole life for the better!

thanks for reading guys!

P.S. new video coming up soon!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Thats right I am on youtube!!!!
check it out weekly as well as this site every week for my video blog and more :)
thanks everyone :D
